We adore You O Christ, and we bless You,
Because by Your holy cross You have redeemed
the world.
(Silent Confession)
In Him, we have redemption through His blood,
the forgiveness of our trespasses,
according to the richness of His grace
that He lavished on us.
To Your cross, O Lord, we come for healing,
For You alone can make us whole.
We come with the broken-hearted and
We come with those with broken relationships,
We come with the broken in body or in mind,
We come with the weak and the handicapped,
We come with the sinners and the guilty,
To Your cross, O Lord, we come for healing,
For You alone can make us whole.
(Silence: offer to God all seemingly hopeless situations in our lives and community)
Scripture Reading (of your choice)
O High King of Heaven,
Have mercy on our Land.
Revive Your Church,
Send the Holy Spirit for
the sake of the children.
May Your Kingdom come
to our nation.
In Jesus’ mighty name.
(The Caleb Prayer)
By the nails through Your hands and feet,
Give comfort to the suffering.
Hear us, Lord Christ.
By the crown of thorns upon Your head,
Give hope to the despairing.
Hear us, Lord Christ.
By the spear that pierced Your side,
Give courage to the heart-broken.
Hear us, Lord Christ.
By Your being scorned and rejected of men,
Give love to the lonely.
Hear us, Lord Christ.
By Your time of desolation,
Lift up all who are down.
Hear us, Lord Christ.
By Your death on the cross,
Give us life which is eternal.
Hear us, Lord Christ.
O Lord and Master, Jesus Christ,
Word of the everlasting Father,
You have borne our grief
and carried the burden of our human frailty;
by the power of the Holy Spirit,
renew in Your church gifts of healing,
and send out Your disciples again
to preach the gospel of Your kingdom,
to heal the sick,
and to relieve the sufferings of Your children
to the praise and glory of Your holy name.
Jesus Christ is risen from the dead, Alleluia!
He is risen indeed, Alleluia!
He has conquered death. Alleluia!
He has triumphed over the grave. Alleluia!
He has defeated hell. Alleluia!
He has risen again. Alleluia!
Christ is alive. Alleluia!
(Silence: offer to God all seemingly hopeless situations in our lives and community)
Risen Christ, give us hope.
That we may rejoice in the resurrection,
That we may know that You have conquered death,
That we may know that You have triumphed over the grave.
That those in doubt and despair may see Your light,
That those who are troubled in mind may know Your peace,
That those in pain and distress may know Your presence,
That those caring for the terminally ill may know Your power,
That those who mourn may discover the joy of life eternal,
Risen Christ, give us hope.
To the One who sits on the throne and to the Lamb
for ever and ever.
(Silent Confession)
Scripture Reading (of your choice)
O High King of Heaven,
Have mercy on our Land.
Revive Your Church,
Send the Holy Spirit for
the sake of the children.
May Your Kingdom come
to our nation.
In Jesus’ mighty name.
(The Caleb Prayer)
With all who are in darkness and weariness
Stand among us in Your Risen power.
With all who are in doubt and despair
Stand among us in Your risen power.
With all who are in trouble and fearfulness
Stand among us in Your risen power.
With all who are in sickness and weakness
Stand among us in Your risen power.
With all who are frail and at the point of death
Stand among us in Your risen power.
Almighty Father,
who in Your great mercy gladdened the disciples
with the sight of the risen Lord:
give us such knowledge of His presence with us,
that we may be strengthened and sustained
by His risen life
and serve You continually in righteousness and truth;
through Jesus Christ Your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with You,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.
The God of hope, who brought again from the dead that great Shepherd of the sheep, Jesus Christ, fill us with all joy and peace in believing.
Prayers used by permission of Portadown House of Prayer.
Acknowledgements: some of these prayers have been taken from Ffald-y-Brenin House of Prayer, Rhythm of Daily Prayer; The Rhythm of Life: Celtic Daily Prayer by David Adam; Celtic Daily Prayer, Northumbria Community; The Book of a Thousand Prayers, compiled by Angela Ashwin.