“We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain, where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf…” Hebrews 6:19-20 (ESV)
I find Hebrews a little difficult in places. There are long sentences, and legal arguments but in the midst of this one thing is clear. Jesus has done whatever is necessary, He is now in the presence of the LORD (the Holy place) and He has made it possible for us to join him there. That is His intention, and the firm outcome of our faith.
These verses in Hebrews 6 are familiar, but when we understand a little of the cultural context we can be even more blessed and encouraged over what Jesus has done. The word “forerunner” means much more than simply “one who has gone before”. The Greek word used is “prodromos”, and in fact, it’s a nautical term, along with the idea of us having a sure anchor for the soul.
People in New Testament times would have understood that harbours were often tricky to enter because of rocks and sand bars, and boats often could only enter at specific tidal conditions. So what they did was to send a smaller craft out to the arriving ship. The ship’s anchor would be placed in this smaller vessel (the Prodromos) and the prodromos would then take the anchor on into the harbour and secure the anchor at a safe mooring.
The point is that once the prodromos had the anchor, the ultimate safe arrival in harbour of the ship was assured. Whilst the ship might still have to endure a period in the exposed outer harbour, and even be battered by waves and winds, there was no longer any doubt of the ultimate safe arrival.
The same is true of us and Jesus. He is our “prodromos”, having gone before us into the holy place. We are securely connected to Him, and our ultimate arrival is assured. He is able to draw us in at the best possible time… and He will. What wonderful assurance!
Today, may you lay hold of this truth, may it comfort you, strengthen you, encourage you and lift you.
Today in the midst of all that is happening may you know freedom from the viral fear that’s overshadowing and may you know the peace only the Lord brings. May you recognise your security no matter what assails you or however you feel tossed around, that you are SECURELY ANCHORED to Jesus. Your destination is secure, you will make it and someday join Him within the veil where He has gone before on our behalf. That’s awesome!
So today may you know and lay hold of His promises to you, may you know His presence with you in everything and may you spread something of this hope to others.
Thank You Lord Jesus, that You are our Anchor inside the veil. You have gone before us into death and defeated the grave. We thank You that whenever the storms of life rage around us, You are our safe and secure place. At this time we run to You for shelter and ask You to deliver us from all fear. Amen.