Let us cross over to the other side of the lake. Luke 8:22b
Ever tried to be obedient to the Lord and out of absolutely nowhere a fierce storm arises that knocks you completely off your feet and you wonder why, having been so close to God, it now feels like He’s asleep and has no clue what you’re going through? You may ask yourself “does He not even see that I’m perishing?” Fear seems to grip you and you’re left there being pushed to and fro by the waves of life that overwhelm you.
Some people in the present storm of COVID-19 as it rips its way through the world and floods our media outlets with more horrifically sad fatal stories might even ask “don’t you care, God, that we’re going to drown in this storm?” As other cries of not being able to breathe are heard from faint voices in the background.
Well, Christian, today we know without any doubt that our Father in Heaven does care! He cares so much that He sent Emmanuel to be with us and when it was His time to ascend to Heaven He gave us His Holy Spirit. God cares!
From this passage in Luke 8:22-39 Jesus shows us that even in the storm, together we can make it to the other side. He will get us through whatever we are facing today. But there are a few things we have got to do along the journey.
In these days we have got to stand on the Word of God and take Jesus at His Word – “let us cross over to the other side”. In the current storm of COVID-19, and whatever other storms might be raging in your life, Jesus teaches us that we need to REMEMBER His promises (verse 22). If He said it, then believe it because He meant it! We can so easily launch out so expectant at the start when we hear from God, just like the disciples, but then circumstances change and overwhelm us and we lose sight of Jesus.
In this storm and season in our lives, as we fight for our cross over, we must remember the living Word of God. We must not take our eyes off Jesus Christ otherwise the floods will overwhelm us. “On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand”. Are you in His Word in this season? What promises of God are you standing on? Have you fixed your eyes upon Jesus, the perfecter and finisher of your faith?
Not only do we need to remember, but Jesus shows us the need to arise and REBUKE the storm (verse 24). Christian, arise today and rebukeyour storm. Take authority in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and speak to your storm! In this Hebrew year of ‘the mouth’ do not be silent and allow the enemy to toss you around but speak with your God-given authority. Declare and decree today that you are crossing over, that this storm is not stopping you from moving forward with Jesus into all that He has for you. These are days of destiny, not doubt and despair. Days of life, not death. This storm will be calmed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you believe it? Have you faith in Him? He has done it before and He can do it again. We must believe in Him because let me tell you, some of your greatest spiritual experiences will be on the other side of this storm!
Remember God’s Word, rebuke your storm and RECEIVE the revelation of who He is whilst you stand in awe of His power! The disciples said, “who can this be?” (verse 25) and as they stepped out on the land at the other side they were told He was “Jesus, Son of the Most High God” (verse 28).
Friends as we come out of this storm, which we will, and as we step out on the land at the other side, not only will we know that it was Jesus that enabled our safe cross over, but we will also see Him as we have never seen Him before. We will receive a deeper revelation of who He is. We will stand in awe of His power over things that are seen and unseen and from that place of reverential awe, we will get back into that boat with Him again regardless of whether another storm might arise. Why not start to praise Him now in the storm? Maybe you are asking Him questions at this moment, why not start to thank Him for the answers that will be revealed on the other side.
Today, don’t be like the crowd that was filled with fear and asked Jesus to leave. Fear causes separation from the Saviour. Instead, allow His perfect love to cast out that fear as you journey with Him.
God cares for you today so remember, rebuke and receive! If you want to cross over in this storm then you have got to include the cross, otherwise, it is over! Jesus must be part of your story for you to make it to the other side. He is so willing to get on board today if you will only welcome Him in. He says to you today “let us cross over to the other side” and He means it!