The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus caused a significant national crisis, and definitely caused a personal crisis in the lives of His followers. In the period between the resurrection and Pentecost the believers were locked away because of fear and in many ways confusion was rampant.
This confusion is so clear in Luke 24:13-34 where the two disciples chatted with Jesus on the road to Emmaus and had clearly become perplexed because of their misunderstandings.
Yet on that journey, Jesus began a pattern as He revealed himself in a small group breaking bread together.
Jesus loved, and loves, to reveal Himself through His word and His presence as we seek Him together. He loves to see His followers gather in homes as family (biological and spiritual) to seek Him and He has promised to be there every time (Matt 18:20).
During this period between the resurrection and Pentecost Jesus repeatedly appeared in the gatherings of his people and brought revelation, insight and direction. He appeared with the two in Emmaus (Luke 24), with the disciples in Jerusalem who were on lockdown and in fear (Luke 24), again eight days later when Thomas had re-joined the group (John 20), on the beach over breakfast (John 21) and at other times including the day of Pentecost… often in small groups around food.
But what was Jesus doing and what was his purpose in this period?
In John 20:19-22 it’s clear that Jesus was speaking peace into the crisis, revealing the wonder of the cross and preparing them for mission and the coming harvest. “Again he said, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.” Then he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit…” (John 20:21–22 NLT). These moments of encounter and preparation were so important as an unprecedented time of harvest was soon to begin at Pentecost.
We find ourselves in unfamiliar times and in global crisis, closed up in our homes and many battle fear and confusion. But God has purpose in these days! He is drawing His Church close, bringing revelation, stirring hope and preparing His people.
The nations are being shaken, many hearts are being opened and a mighty harvest is on the horizon. So be at peace, Jesus is Lord! Receive the empowering infilling of Holy Spirit as you passionately pursue Him, knowing that we are in a holy moment of preparation. In this year 2020 may we too be filled with joy as we ‘see the Lord’ (John 20:20).
Lord I thank You for the coming harvest! Thank You for this precious time You have given me for preparation and consecration! Draw me closer to Your heart and prepare me to increasingly carry Your peace and power in these days. Fill me with an increasing passion for Your presence and a new determination in seeking Your face! And as Ireland soon erupts with new life may Your name be glorified in all the Earth Amen.