The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10 AMP
The thief comes only in order to steal, kill and destroy; I have come so that they may have life, life in its fullest measure. John 10:10 CJB
John 10:10 is one of the most significant verses in the bible. Jesus sets out two strategies, first He tells us satan’s plans then, He sets out His own.
Satan has three key objectives and has been following this strategy for thousands of years: stealing, killing and destroying from as many people as he can. Satan is evil, he is filled with pride, arrogance and pure evil. We are all part of his evil plan and it is very important we do not ignore the fact that he is always attacking, scheming, plotting, or planning to harm you. He is the very opposite of Jesus.
Satan is full of hatred, death, bitterness and anger against God’s children and he wants us to live in fear. He will try to steal your joy, peace, finances, family, employment or career. He does not want you healthy and will try to make you sick, oppressed or depressed. He hates the family unit and will try to rob your children’s destinies or wreck your marriage. He will fill our minds with temptation and lustful thoughts because his objective is to see us falling into sinful behaviour and activities. Satan, the adversary is a liar the chief of liars and deceivers. We must always be on the alert as we are warned in 1 Peter 5:8-9 CJB Stay sober, stay alert! Your enemy, the Adversary, stalks about like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Stand against him, firm in your trust, knowing that your brothers throughout the world are going through the same kinds of suffering.
As we are told in verse 9 we should stand against him firm in our trust in Jesus knowing we are not alone as our brothers and sisters throughout the world are going through the same kinds of suffering.
Jesus tells us that His strategy and promises are very different for Jesus is love. Jesus has defeated satan by dying for us at Calvary when He won the victory over sin and death. Satan will always strive for us to live a lifestyle that is the opposite of what Jesus promised: abundant life in its fullest measure. The Greek word for abundant is ‘per-is-sos’ which means superabundant (in quantity or superior (in quality). This is something we should be excited about!
It’s time that we fought back and took hold of the abundant life that Jesus has promised us. James 4:2 says, Yet you don’t have what you want because you don’t ask God for it. We must start to pray and ask God for the abundant supernatural life He has promised. Do you need something? Are you under attack? Come to Jesus and ask Him to give you what He has promised you. Jesus has promised us abundant life, unfailing love, healing for all our sickness and diseases, forgiveness for all our sins, protection from danger, provision for all our needs, His joy, perfect peace, renewed strength, wisdom, knowledge, understanding and so much more. Today do not rest until you resist satan using Jesus name and pray asking God to bless you with everything you need.
Heavenly Father I come before You with a thankful heart. I ask forgiveness for my sins and ask You protect me from satan’s attacks and plans to harm me or my family. I resist satan in Jesus’ precious name. Bless me Lord Jesus and my family with the abundant and full life You have promised me. I thank You for these precious promises and accept the abundant life You have promised me. (Ask specifically for whatever need and trust God that He will give you them). Amen.