“Because we have sought the Lord our God; we have sought Him, and He has given us rest on every side…So they built and prospered….Then they defeated ALL the cities around for THE FEAR OF THE LORD CAME UPON THEM”
Chapter 14 of 2 Chronicles outlines what happened when Asa ‘sought The Lord’ for himself and encouraged the nation to do likewise.
He did what was good and right in the sight of God
He removed the idols and altars to foreign gods.
He commanded Judah to seek the Lord and to observe the law.
What was the result of this “Seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness”?
Rest and peace in the land
Building projects
Victory in battles
Supernatural breakthroughs
Great blessing
A fresh fear of the Lord descended
This is only one example of what happened when an individual and nation purposed in their heart to SEEK THE LORD and were OBEDIENT to what He said. Scripture and history are full of such examples.
Ireland is in desperate need of a fresh turning to seek the Lord.
This must begin with us as individuals.
Repentance and confession pave the way for God’s glory to invade our lives and communities.
We stand at a critical HINGE OF HISTORY in Ireland. What we do in this hour will have significant repercussions.
Let us not idly stand by hoping someone else will lead by example. WE need to be the change WE pray and cry out for. WE need to be the agents of change WE hope to see. It starts with US positioning OURSELVES to SEEK THE LORD with honest, open, humble, repentant and surrendered hearts.
Do we want to see the ungodly altars in Ireland destroyed?
Do we want to see righteousness, justice, peace, hope and love prevail on this Island we love?
Do we want to see Ireland lead the way in medical, academical, agricultural, commercial and industrial innovations and inventions?
Do we want to see the Emerald Isle filled with the Glory of God in a way never experienced before?
Do we want to see peace, unity and rest in our land in this generation?
Do we want to see Kingdom building projects explode and expand throughout the 32 counties?
Do we want to hear pupils worshipping God in schools in Ireland unrestricted?
Do we want to see a fresh and authentic fear of the Lord pervade and permeate every realm of our society ?
Do we want to see families reconciled and whole communities transformed by the power of God as the Gospel is received and believed by many ?
Do we want to see the altars of praise and prayer rebuilt in every part of Ireland ?
Do we want to see competitive spirits, jealousies, contentiousness, critical and judgmental spirits flee from the body of Christ and across denominations from the North to the South, East and West of this island?
Do we want to hear the sound of an army of worshipping warriors arising in this hour to take back all the territory the enemy has stolen in Ireland?
Do we want to experience the supernatural and miraculous dunamis power of God in each of our lives and families?
Do we want to hear the sound of heaven touching the earth in Ireland?
Do we want to see broken lives made whole and hope restored to those who see no way out in the four provinces of Ireland?
Do we want to see bodies and minds healed through the touch of the Lord Jesus Christ?
Do we want to experience what it is to live in a society that gives God’s Word pre-eminence over every other word spoken in every sphere of life?
Do we want to see sectarianism, tribalism, entitlement and territorialism replaced by authentic love, unity, cooperation, respect, and compassion?
Do we want to be a nation famed and known globally for how it’s citizens honour and serve one another selflessly motivated by Christ’s example and command?
Do we want Ireland to sing again new songs birthed in the heavenly courts?
Do we want our nation to lead the way in celebrating and preserving life at all costs and in all situations?
Do we want to live in a country saturated with the tangible presence of God?
Do we want to see revival sweep into every single part of Ireland turning the tide of godlessness, lawlessness and degradation?
Do we want to see our nation flourish and put God first in ALL things?
Do we want to see God’s Kingdom come and His will be accomplished in Ireland as it is in heaven?
If the answer is “yes!” to these questions, then it’s time we all seriously SEEK THE LORD who promises not only to hear but to answer when we do.
‘It is time to seek The Lord’ Hosea 10:12 ( KJV )
Father, we bow humbly under Your kingship and Lordship in our lives and on behalf of the Island of Ireland. May we truly sense the urgency of the hour and respond accordingly under the prompting and leading of the Holy Spirit.
We desperately need a fresh move of God Almighty across the 32 counties of Ireland and yet we acknowledge the part we each need to play for such a time as this. Create in us a clean heart oh God and renew a right spirit within. Let the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in Your sight oh Lord our strength and our Redeemer.
May the fear of the Lord come upon us as we determine wholeheartedly to seek Your face afresh with renewed hope, expectation and anointing.
We pray in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen