“Within the hour they were on their way back to Jerusalem. There they found the eleven disciples and the others who had gathered with them, who said, “The Lord has really risen! He appeared to Peter.” Luke 24:33-34
In Luke chapter 24 we read the account of two followers of Jesus who were walking to the village of Emmaus, (around 7 miles from Jerusalem) on the same day that Jesus was raised from the dead. Jesus (unknown to them at the time) came alongside them and walked and chatted with them about the events leading up to His crucifixion. When they neared the end of their journey, it was late in the day, so they invited Him to stay the night, and while sharing a meal together, Jesus revealed Himself to them before suddenly disappearing. The followers didn’t waste any time, despite the darkness, the late hour, and with potential danger along the route, they got up, left, and headed immediately to Jerusalem (by foot!), to tell the disciples that Jesus was alive and that they had encountered Him!
As I type, I’m trying to imagine those two followers eagerly and quickly heading back to Jerusalem, probably walking as fast as their legs could carry them! The tiredness from the journey that day was quickly forgotten and replaced with excitement! I can sense that there would be an enthusiasm within them, that they had to share their encounter with Jesus with others, knowing what the prophets wrote in the Scriptures had actually happened and that they were part of the story, experiencing it firsthand!
As Christians today we also know that Jesus is alive, but what are we doing about it? Where has our awe and excitement gone? Are we staying in our safe, secure homes and huddles or are we getting out into the darkness and sharing that He has risen!
He has conquered death!
He is the promised Messiah!
And that very same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in us!
We may not have seen Jesus face to face like the two followers on the road to Emmaus, yet I’m sure you’ve experienced Him in your own life as He has walked and journeyed with you, and as the Holy Spirit has led and guided you. You have an encounter and a story to share of what He has done in your life! Perhaps it’s time to encounter Him afresh, get up, dust yourself off, and share the hope that is within you to people throughout Ireland who so desperately need to hear it.
Father, I pray that You would replace our lethargy with the same zeal and enthusiasm as those early followers. I pray that we would be quick to step out of our comfort zones and into the calling that You have placed on each of our lives. Father, I pray that we would have an eagerness and boldness to share the hope that is within us with others and share about how we have personally encountered You. Fill us by Your Holy Spirit and lead us in our conversations so our words may be laced by Your love and kindness. In Your name, I pray, Amen.