A W Tozer once wrote:
“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”
In the book of Exodus, God responds to a question posed to him by Moses asking what it is he should call Him. God responds “I AM WHO I AM” (Exodus 3:14).
In the original Hebrew – ehyeh ʾăšher ‘ehyeh
This is where we get the name Yahweh for God, often translated LORD. In our English translations, “I AM WHO I AM” on its own is too narrow a definition to catch the meaning of the Hebrew in its entirety. The word ehyeh means: I am, but, it also means: I was and I will be. Plus, the “who” also means “what” and “that”.
In other words, it’s like saying: “I am who I was, I am who I am, I am who I will be” or “I was what I am, I am what I am, I will be what I am”.
It’s an all-encompassing way of God declaring Himself as infinitely powerful, eternal, and unchanging.
What He is now, is what He will be later.
Who He is now, is Who He is later.
His nature as a sovereign God remains unchanged. His character of truth, justice, love, mercy and grace remains unchanged.
How worthy of worship, and reverence, and trust is our God? To think that the almighty God, would have such a love for you and me; such gentleness, such mercy, grace and kindness is beyond any joy we could find without Him.
Thank you, Jesus!