In Proverbs 29:18 we find the well-known verse – “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” KJV
The Message rendering of it, reads – “If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves.” How important it is, that we clearly hear and know what God is doing and align ourselves with it. The last thing we want to do is to be stumbling all over ourselves!
There are wider implications in this for the whole church in Ireland today. Over the past year I have become increasingly aware that many churches do not have an all-inclusive Kingdom of God “vision.” All that is required of its members is to turn up for an hour on Sunday and tithe. The dynamics of discipleship which include corporate prayer for Ireland, evangelism and local social involvement are not there.
God has been speaking a lot to me about the church being a transformative community, of us being the answer to our prayer “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done – in Belfast, or Cork… as it is in heaven”. For this to happen, for the whole church to reach out to the whole community, requires a God-given envisioning. There are many issues to be faced to enable this, especially the issue of unity – that we would rise to the challenge of being one, as He and the Father are one. Alongside that is an awareness that we are not fully awake regarding the spiritual battle we are in for Ireland. Such a corporate envisioning and equipping of all of the local churches will require a huge paradigm shift for us. What would happen if locally or nationally, we came to the place of us collectively seeing that this is OUR town and that WE have been placed there by God to push out Satan’s works of darkness (which is being manifested in deep historical wounds that need to be healed/reconciled: sectarianism, denominationalism, marital/family breakdown; hopelessness, binge drinking, suicide, self-harming in our youth culture) and bring in God’s kingdom light. As we enter into 2022, I want to see this new day dawning for Ireland, this fresh outpouring of God’s Spirit with a resulting spiritual, social, moral, political healing. Seeing what God is doing and moving in tandem with Him.
Yes, Father, help us to see what You are wanting to do in Ireland in 2022. Remove from our spiritual eyes, minds and hearts the things that stand in the way of embracing this. Amen.