Has this season left you feeling a lack of direction? Do you want to make a change or leave an impact in your community or this land but you don’t know what to do or even how to make a start? Perhaps as you navigate the New Year you’re looking for some clarity and direction or a new focus? I have a suggestion…have you tried praying for B.O.B?
B – Burden. Ask God to give you a burden. It may be a specific need in your community, within your family or work place, it may be for Ireland or perhaps even to serve the Lord overseas.
O – Opportunity. Ask God to give you an opportunity to act on that burden.
B – Boldness. Ask God for the boldness necessary to embrace the opportunity He gives you to act upon that burden. The Lord gives boldness and courage when we ask for it, we just need to take it, run with it and step into what He has called us into.
In Acts 4:29-31 we read the account of Peter and John before the rulers and elders. In verses 29-31 we read their prayer for courage:
““And now, O Lord, hear their threats, and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word. Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” After this prayer; the meeting place shook, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Then they preached the word of God with boldness.”
Earlier in the chapter in verse 13 the members of the ruling council recognised the boldness of Peter and John and they had seen that they were ordinary men with no special training in the scriptures. Most importantly they also recognised that they had been with Jesus.
Friend, the requirement to be used by God isn’t your educational attainments, your finances, your ability to speak, or even your experience, it’s your availability to step out to be used by Him and for Him. In your intimate time with Christ, pray for B.O.B. As your heart is Burdened, as the Lord gives you Opportunities, and as He gives you the Boldness to reach out, speak out and serve Him, your life, and more importantly, the lives into which you speak and serve, will never be the same again!
Father, I pray that in this New Year You would give me a Burden, Opportunities and the Boldness that I need. Father, I yield myself to You. Father, lead me by Your Holy Spirit and I ask that You would use me in my home and in my community to make an impact in this land of Ireland. In Your Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.