We all interact with many people in our lives. We have family, workmates, neighbours, people we see day to day and some we might only ever meet once for a second. Every one of these people is precious to Jesus and unfortunately, many of them are heading for a lost eternity! That should deeply move all of us and even stir us to actively respond.
We know that we have been given the most profound message in the universe, that humanity was lost in sin, but was redeemed by our creator God who gave Himself as a sacrifice, taking our punishment on Himself, making it possible to offer salvation to all and a journey through this life with Jesus. As those redeemed follow Jesus, they are even called to partner with Him to invite others to this amazing journey.
But to excel in this will take lots of wisdom!
“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, And he who wins souls is wise.” (Proverbs 11:30, NKJV)
Every interaction, every conversation, every casual contact, every neighbour who watches from afar, every reaction witnessed, every gesture made, and every aspect of our lives, needs wisdom. Only those with wisdom in their interactions will bear fruit and win souls. As Paul wrote to the believers in Colosse he reminded them to live wisely:
“Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.” (Colossians 4:5–6, NLT)
Paul said to ‘live wisely’ among those who don’t believe. That means careful and prayerful consideration of how we live and how we interact with them. Every interaction with those around us is an opportunity to share the love of Jesus in practical ways and make sure they know we care!
As the fire of the Holy Spirit in our lives draws people to be warmed by His presence, and as we share the Gospel with them, He will do His work! As people count the cost and consider their eternal future, many will receive eternal life and be welcomed into God’s family.
Father, when Solomon asked for wisdom to serve You, it was granted. Please give me wisdom in all of my interactions so that I can win souls for Your glory! Help me to make the most of every opportunity, and empower me to share the Gospel in a way that is gracious and attractive. Give me great wisdom for soul-winning! Amen