When was the last time you let go, in your praise and worship of God? I mean, all-out, were abandoned in worship to God, either publicly or privately? Unrestrained worship in Spirit and truth is an open gate for the presence of God to come, rest and move powerfully. Psalm 22:3 says “But thou art Holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.”
Wow! As we praise and lift up the Name of Jesus, He lives in our very praises. One commentator has said that the ever-ascending praises of His people become a throne for the Divine King. There is something powerful and unexplainable that happens when we lift forth our praise to God.
We were designed for worship and the reality is, if we are not worshipping God, we will more than likely be worshipping someone or something else. It is good practice for us, as believers, to ensure our worship is being directed solely to God. Worship holds such a special and pivotal place for the Christian.
The Bible encourages the people of God to have a garment of praise instead of the spirit of despair. Worship doesn’t always have to be singing, it is really the expression of reverence and complete adoration toward God. A great way to express this, is of course, through speaking and singing out in awe of Jesus. He is a great Saviour!
I wonder what place you find yourself in today? The beautiful thing about worship is that no matter what you are facing, it is possible to simply throw up your hands and praise Him. Worship invites the miraculous as we pave a way for His presence to come. Not only that but worship can also bring breakthrough and victory into our lives and situations.
I love the story in the Old Testament where Jehoshaphat was told of a great multitude coming to war against Judah. His response was to fast and seek the face of God. In His prayer he states, Lord ‘we do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You” (2 Chronicles 20:12). In response the Lord spoke through Jahaziel, not to be afraid that the battle belonged to the Lord.
Amazingly the next day 2 Chronicles 20:21 says, he (Jehoshaphat) appointed those who were to sing to the LORD and praise him in holy attire, as they went before the army, and say, “Give thanks to the LORD, for his steadfast love endures forever.” In other words Jehoshaphat put the praise and worship team at the front of the army to lead them into battle. Not a great military tactic in the eyes of the world, but exactly what God intended for that moment… and victory was theirs!
Our greatest offensive tactic is to stand upon the Word of God and praise Him. Oh, He truly is worthy of all praise and can never ever be praised enough!
Heavenly Father, You are worthy of all praise and adoration. We lift high Your Name today. Mighty God, thank You that I can praise in every and any circumstance. Help me, no matter what is happening, to raise praise to Heaven. You are worthy of all my praise. As I lift my praise today, come and do what only You can do, work miracles, bring victory, flood my soul with peace and most of all be glorified. Amen