The ancient Irish warrior was courageous, ready to fight and protect from enemy invaders. Many were skilled and trained to fight from an early age, they were the elite warriors. Yet not all had the same intense instruction. Many were farmers, fishermen, carpenters, and masons trained first in the trade to be providers for their families. However, in times of battle, even with the sometimes limited training they had received, they were ready to take a stand and fight.
Ireland today is in a battle, a spiritual one. The invasion of darkness is upon us, demons of alcohol and drugs are wrecking lives and families, social media is making us more distant, and Government policies north and south appear to take us further from the God-centred lives that we as Christ-followers are called to live. In return, many believers are becoming fearful, worried, and at times feel that they should remain quiet rather than lovingly speak out His truth.
In Ephesians 6:12 we read:
“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”
Are you worrying about where Ireland is headed? Do you lie awake at night worrying about the unknown? Perhaps you even doubt that God is still in control? Let’s not give in to a sense of helplessness about the state of our land – let’s not give in to the fear or feeling that no one can do anything about it. We can pray in the power and leading of the Holy Spirit, believing that God alone can break through in our lives and our land. No one can stop us from praying to our Heavenly Father, our Commander in Chief, the One who can do all things! Prayer is not our last resort; it is the first and best response of any follower of Jesus to the challenges and depravity of this age.
Will you rise up and be a warrior for His Kingdom, praying and believing that things can be turned around? Will you take a stand, fighting against the plans of the evil one through prayer, taking back what satan has stolen, believing that in all things God’s Kingdom will reign once again throughout this land? Will you stand in the fight, believing that God can move and that He will move throughout Ireland? That we will see a great wave of revival sweep across this land again!
As His warrior, prayer is your weapon and when as followers of Jesus we put it into action “all the powers of hell will not conquer it.” Matthew 16:18a. The time is now, the battle cry is sounding! Rise up!
Father, I ask for Your forgiveness for the times that I have worried instead of keeping my eyes on You. Father, help me to grow closer to You, help me to rely completely on You, led by Your Holy Spirit and willing to go into battle with You. Father, guide, train and equip me, and help me to be a mighty prayer warrior for You. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.