God is a God of encounter! A simple reading through the Bible presents us with evidence that God loves and desires to encounter His people. Good news! This means that you can live a life filled with God encounters!
Holy Spirit we ask that You would open our eyes to see You, ignite our faith, surround us with Your love, deepen our desire, open our spiritual ears to perceive what You would be saying in this moment to us.
Let’s consider for a moment Moses’ burning bush encounter with God. Moses maybe thought he was past being used by God or even hearing from Him. Moses had been brought up in the palace, experiencing luxury as an Egyptian. But despite this, we are told that his heart was with his oppressed people living in bondage under Pharaoh’s rule. Moses, in his younger years had tried to ‘deliver’ Israel by killing an Egyptian man, however, it backfired which caused him to flee to the wilderness where he became a shepherd. But God was not done with him yet…
Exodus 3:4 When the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush, “Moses, Moses!” And he said, “Here I am.”
God had plans for Moses beyond his comprehension, and here in Exodus 3:4, God extraordinarily encounters Moses. Out minding his sheep and his own business, God literally speaks to him from a bush! God can reach you anywhere and at anytime. God is limitless in what He can do in your life and through your life.
This burning bush moment shaped the next stage of Moses’ existence and purpose. An encounter with God can change your course of direction, attitude or even vocation. Moses, who had learnt to shepherd sheep, was soon to be shepherding the nation of Israel. God would use him to lead them out of bondage and towards the Promised Land.
One thing that glares us in the face is not only God’s part in this encounter but Moses’ willingness and response. A life-shaping encounter with God will only ever be as good as the surrender from the person being encountered. Moses’ response to God speaking to him was, “Here I am.” This “Here I am” from Moses led to the next 40 years of his life encountering God face to face. Moses may have thought it was over for him, but God had other plans, and it all began with a supernatural encounter.
God is not done with you yet! He is a God of encounter, and we can live lives of encounter. How might He be trying to get your attention today, and what will be your response?
Heavenly Father, I thank You that You are a God of encounter. Lord, I want to encounter You on a deeper level than I ever have. May my mind, heart, ears and sight be alert to Your voice, presence and leading. Help me to seek You and help me to be ready for what You are asking me to do. Thank You for choosing me. Have Your way. Amen.