Remember that Jesus Christ, of the seed of David, was raised from the dead according to my gospel, for which I suffer trouble as an evildoer, even to the point of chains; but the word of God is not chained. (2Ti 2:8-9 NKJ)
Paul has clearly stated in the verses just before this that life and ministry are difficult. He refers to an athlete, soldier and farmer. No soldier, athlete, or farmer accomplishes anything worthwhile without hard work and hardship. This reality was evident in Jesus’ life and Paul’s.
So be encouraged if you are experiencing difficulty in your walk and ministry for Jesus – that’s a good thing!
Paul was suffering as an evildoer – not that he was an evil doer at all. He means he was suffering in prison as people who had committed evil. Probably around him were murderers, sex offenders, thieves and whatever else. He was getting the same treatment as those people – simply for preaching the gospel.
But he continually remembered Jesus, His humanity, His coming to earth, His death on the cross, all He suffered on our behalf, and His resurrection. Paul was given grace by Him and was kept by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Paul is practising what he preached in these moments, and as he reflects upon his chains, being imprisoned and being bound, he remembers Jesus and makes this compelling statement:
I’m here in these chains, BUT no matter what’s happening to me, the Word of God cannot be chained. God’s Word can’t be bound! It can’t be imprisoned!
Paul was stuck in prison, but God’s Word was and is alive, active and moving. God’s Word when spoken, cannot be captured and held captive in a cell because it goes to hearts and resides in minds. Paul celebrates the fact that no chains can bind the Word of God. No chains or other forms of threat or fear can restrict the Word of God’s flow and power. God’s Word, empowered with the conviction of the Spirit, is an unstoppable force in someone’s life.
It is good to speak out, release His Word, and pray His Word: the word of the LORD endures forever (1 Peter 1:25). Even when you feel helpless or bound to help in a situation, pray His Word over someone, give His Word to someone. The Word of God corrects wrong thinking in us and others. We need to speak it out, to pray it out. Not only that but when the Word of God speaks, there is a knock-on reaction; things happen and fall into place. The Word of God impacts lives and specific situations. Our prayer today is ‘Oh God, send your Word!’
We finish with the verse Isaiah 55:11: ‘So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.’ (Isa 55:11 NKJ)
Oh God, Your Word is never bound. Please send Your Word into the lives of those around me that it may accomplish what You please. Let Your Word prosper in the thing for which You sent it. Your Word is truth and brings hope, help and healing. Lord, send Your Word, help us submit to Your Word, and have Your way in me. Amen