The worst imaginable event had happened for the disciples, the Marys, and all who loved and followed Jesus. He was dead. They had seen it all unfold. They had watched his lifeless body hang on the cross, and a soldier came and split open His side. All of Jesus’ works, His words, His miracles, all for what? They must have been thinking, what had just happened? But beyond all this, there was real sadness, mourning and grief. They had lost the One they loved in tragic circumstances.
Matthew 28:1 says, Now after the Sabbath, toward the dawn of the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the tomb.
The Marys were mourning and wanted to go to the tomb; I would imagine they were still in shock. The Bible says in Matthew 28:2 that there was a great earthquake, for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone and sat on it.
The Marys must have been thinking, how could things get any worse, and now there’s an earthquake? But something strange was taking place before their eyes. The very stone that sealed Jesus tomb was rolled back and an angel was present. Imagine that moment, in verses 5-6, when the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay.
Jesus’s words before His death would have rushed to their minds. Could it be? He is not dead? Is he alive? But, but, but, and then, in Matthew 28:9, the Marys had their first encounter with the risen Jesus. And behold, Jesus met them and said, “Greetings!” And they came up and took hold of his feet and worshipped him.
There was no doubt now that they had seen Him, spoken to Him, touched Him, and had a word from Him to tell the others. Their mourning turned into the best morning they had ever had! Death had been defeated, the Saviour had Risen, sin had been conquered, and Jesus was alive and well, just as He had said.
This Easter, as we rejoice in a risen, loving, forgiving, powerful, unlimited Saviour, be assured that no matter what it looks like in you or around you, Jesus is the God of resurrection, and He always fulfils His Word. There was never a moment, nor will there ever be a moment when He is not in control and being true to His Word. He has the power and faithfulness always to carry out His Word.
In life, we can sometimes feel out of control, but the truth is that even in these difficult, dark, disappointing, grieving, confusing, and lonely moments, Jesus rules and reigns. Even when it seems over, He is true to His word. Even when the worst has happened, He is with you and working toward His master plan. He is the God, the only God of resurrection, and He will never leave you!
Lord Jesus, we praise You for having died for us and rose again. We will never tire of rejoicing in truth that You are our risen, conquering Saviour, Hallelujah! Lord, I want to say thank You, thank You that no matter what moment I find myself in, I can trust You, and I can fully rely on You. You have always been and will always be true to Your Word, no matter how bad things look or get. You work beyond what we can imagine. Praise You, Lord Jesus! Amen.