God is an expert when it comes to breakthroughs! They may not always come how we expect, but God has an agenda, and we can trust Him at all times.
1 Chronicles 14:11 And he went up to Baal-perazim, and David struck them down there. And David said, “God has broken through my enemies by my hand, like a bursting flood.” Therefore the name of that place is called Baal-perazim.
David had just won a victory, having been directed and led by the Word of the Lord. David’s response was to call the place Baal-perazim, meaning “The Lord Who Breaks Out,” “Lord of the breakthrough”, or the “Master of breakthrough”.
God is still breaking through in situations daily across the world. Let us share one particular story from a mission trip in Kenya in 2005. The university team travelled to Ilasit, a tiny little village in Kenyan border with Tanzania. The village was overshadowed by the huge mountain Kilimanjaro.
The university team went out to help put windows into the local Ilasit church building. They had been building it for ten years, and the team had the privilege of bringing a lot of money with them to enable the locals to finish the church building.
When there, the team were asked to lead some street evangelism in the evenings, which basically involved very loud speakers out in the open air, singing and telling everyone about Jesus.
The first night went so well that the local church wanted the outreach every night. However, one thing needed for the meeting to happen was for the rain to stay away. That was learned on the second night as a downpour came, and everyone ran; they couldn’t stay out in the rain for fear of getting wet and cold, as their mud/tin houses wouldn’t warm them up again.
On the third night, the weather was good, so the team went again. But as they were sharing, something strange was happening. There was a change in the atmosphere and a change in the skies above.
One of the team leaders quickly went around notifying us of a witch doctor who was present and was praying against what we were doing. Suddenly, the witch doctor seemed to be winning; the skies turned grey and black, and it looked like a downpour was coming.
The team began to pray, and it all happened very quickly. A big circle of clear sky literally appeared above the outreach space, where a few hundred people had gathered to listen to the team discuss Jesus as the Key to life.
The rain did come, just not near the outreach. The clear patch stayed over the location until the outreach was completed and responses to Jesus had happened. What a powerful God He is!
God can do anything; there is no power greater than the power He possesses! There is no one stronger, no one who can defeat Him or overcome Him! Try to stop God’s plan; you can’t!
Despite what your world looks and feels like right now, be confident today that no matter what happens, our God is all-powerful, He is the master of breakthroughs, and He always has the final say!
Heavenly Father, thank You that You are the God of breakthrough, the Master of breakthrough! Come and have Your way in my life. I submit all to You and I trust You no matter what. Amen