God is a covenant-making and covenant-keeping God. He always stands by His word and His promises. Psalm 105:8-11 says He remembers His covenant forever, the word that He commanded, for a thousand generations, the covenant that He made with Abraham, His sworn promise to Isaac, which He confirmed to Jacob as a statute, to Israel as an everlasting covenant, saying, “To you I will give the land of Canaan as your portion for an inheritance.” God promised to give the land of Canaan as a special possession.
The land of Canaan in the Bible is known as the Promised Land. It is a special possession, a special place that God would bring His people to. “Canaan land” is also used as a metaphor for any land of promise or spiritual state of liberation from oppression.
Moses’ journey from Egypt to the promised land of Canaan symbolises a people’s journey from oppression to freedom.
Let’s be honest; there is a lot of oppression around us. God does not intend bondage for His people. Hardships at times, yes; suffering for Him at times, yes; but bondage, NO.
I want to ask you personally, what is your Canaan? First of all, we need to have an idea of what it is. Caleb knew what he desired after Israel arrived at the border of the Promised Land. He wanted the land of Hebron; that’s what was on his heart, and he waited 45 years to get it. He never wavered from it and never was intimated by the giants that ruled over the land.
What is on your heart to possess? The reality is there will be giants to intimidate you, giants to put you off, giants to get past. Caleb and the people of Israel had to face the giants. It wasn’t a walk in the park; it was difficult; they were taking on something bigger than they were.
But Caleb wasn’t convinced by his own strength. He fought with God’s confidence and strength and was convinced and led from on High.
Others might think it can’t happen, you maybe don’t even think it can happen. But God – if He wills it, then it will happen. What giants do we need to take on in God’s leading?
God is calling us to possess our possessions (Obadiah 1:17).
To do so, we are called to prayerfully fight, to war in prayer. Pray for your possessions, pray for the land of promise or person. Pray and fight for your family, your health, your relationships, your house, your work colleagues, and your town.
For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. (Eph 6:12 NLT)
That’s one of those verses that makes you sit up in your seat. There is a very real enemy working against God and the people of God? But be encouraged 1 John 4:4 Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
Heavenly Father, thank You that there is nothing impossible with You. Pour in Your courage, strength and guidance into my life today. Help me in and through You to possess my possessions that You have for us. Have Your way God. Amen.